Thursday, January 11, 2007

Derby Street Condo Project

From Chuck Tanowitz on his Garden City Blog, we learn that the Traffic Council will be considering a request for traffic calming on Derby Street at its January 18 Meeting. The Derby Street item is #360-06 and will be heard after 8:00. The Traffic Council agenda (PDF).

The agenda item doesn't mention the reason for the request, but Chuck's post indicates that the traffic calming request is precipitated by a proposed 4oB development at 254-262 Derby Street. Dan Proskauer posted a detailed description of the project and neighborhood reaction in a comment to Chuck's blog entry. Dan also does a nice job of explaining 40B (PDF).

Traffic-related issues:
  • Traffic impact -- Eight condos will replace three homes and a landscaping business. There may or may not be an increase in traffic.
  • Parking -- Residents worry that the condo parking (two spaces per unit) will not be sufficient for visitor parking, which will spill over into the street. Parking is permitted on both sides of the street.
  • School -- The condos will be up the street from the Franklin school, which is both a generator of traffic and a reason to be concerned about traffic.
My preliminary take:
  • The city should seize every opportunity to calm traffic, especially around schools.
  • A big (the biggest?) impediment to calming measures is $$. If there's an opportunity to have the developer make a reasonable mitigation contribution as a condition of city approval, seize it.

Derby Street wiki page.

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