Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Life in Chaos Bike Photos

Updated: There's a big spread, with pictures, on page 25 of this week's Tab. I'll post a link when the article is online.

Go to the Newton Free Library and see Andrew Kessler's photo exhibit: Life in Chaos. It's on display through January 30.

Kessler is a photographer. When a four-year-old child of a friend was diagnosed with leukemia, Kessler decided to do the PanMass Challenge.

The photos in the exhibit are culled from shots he took during training for three PMC rides. He mounted a camera to his bike and set the timer to take a new picture every n seconds or so. He wasn't looking through the view finder as the pictures were being taken.

The pictures really capture the beauty of riding ... and a whole lot more.

Read the library blurb on the exhibit or this Globe article for more.

But definitely run ride down to the library before the end of the month.

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