Monday, July 19, 2010

More Pie (seating)

In light of my support for the Panera special petition, somebody asked me what the city should do for all the existing restaurants in Newton Centre that have seating limited by the regulations that were waived for Panera. My answer: lift the restrictions on the existing restaurants.

Here's an opportunity to do just that. Pie wants more seats. Four and twenty more blackbirds baked in the pie seats.

They should get them.

We want more restaurants in Newton Centre*. We want the restaurants in Newton Centre to succeed. We want Newton Centre landlords to want restaurants as tenants. Imposing onerous, success-inhibiting parking requirements on restaurants is not the answer, unless the question is how can we get more banks in Newton Centre.

If it turns out that we need more parking, build some shared parking!

*And Newton Highlands. And West Newton. And Newtonville. And Auburndale. And ...

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