Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Signs for Beacon, Winchester, Nahanton

The Bicycle Pedestrian Task Force has recommended some sign strategies to make the most of the bicycle accommodations recently painted on Beacon, Winchester, and Nahanton Streets.

Specifically, the BPTF recommended to DPW Commissioner Rooney:
  1. Standard Share the Road signs -- like on Beacon Street in Brookline -- at regular intervals (once per block or so)
  2. Sharrows on the pavement in the roadway to the left of the stripe, at locations where bicyclists could be reasonably expected to ride in the roadway (for instance, where the shoulder narrows or cars might be expected to park in the shoulder)
  3. Some indication to motorists that motor vehicle traffic is not permitted to the right of the white stripe, particularly where the shoulder appears to be wide enough for motor vehicle travel.
Previously: Unforeseen Striping Consequence

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